Blog Post 1:

Brief Summary: On my first blog post, I talked about the negative perception of rap and hip hop. Then I go into how it has grown and changed over the years and the reason why many people like it. The link to that post is below.

Blog Post 2:

Brief Summary: On my second blog post I talk about the ongoing debate of who's better, Jordan or Lebron. I compare many things such as skill, competition, and stats. In order to see who I think is better, you'd have to read my blog linked below.

Blog Post 3:

Brief Summary: On my third blog post I talk about the stigma associated with violent videogames and how many people are relating them for violent behavior. I go into different studies and reasons why I think videogames do not cause violence.


My group and I created a podcast on whether we should let people who have large platforms influence us. We also relate this to recent events and political news. The link to the SoundCloud link is below.


My group and I created a video on the influence music artists have on our day to day lives. We asked college students at Virginia Tech questions on this topic and they each gave their own outloook. A link to the YouTube video is below.

Informative Link

Many people nowadays spew information they've learned without factchecking. This has created viral trends, even if the information is not true. In order to keep false news from reaching others and influencing them, we should all take time to determine whether the information we learn is true or not. Here's a link to a website that lists steps to ensure twe make the right information.